Four Reasons Your Practice Needs Emergency Answering Services

Emergency Answering Services at a hospital

When an emergency strikes, time is of the essence – and there should always be someone available to take your patient’s call. To make sure all calls are taken and processed properly, many practices use emergency answering services. With live receptionists handling these situations, physicians can maximize their time and turn their attention to cases … Read more

New Year Knowledge: What is an Emergency Services Dispatcher & How Can It Help Your Business?

Emergency Services Dispatcher working on a Computer

Emergency services dispatcher is a bit of a mouthful, but that doesn’t mean it is difficult to understand or difficult to employ. In fact, an emergency services dispatcher is essentially just what it sounds like – an individual which dispatches emergency services on your behalf. This can be done in a number of ways, and … Read more

Property Management Best Practices for Emergency Call Answering Service

Emergency Call answering service, man on phone

There are numerous reasons why a call answering service can help your property management firm. From booking appointments, taking lease applications by phone or even handling maintenance requests, the list seems unending. But did you know that emergency call answering services could save you even more time and money? It’s always best to have yourself, … Read more

The Importance of Bilingual Answering Services

Bilingual Answering Services

In today’s markets, having bilingual or multilingual employees to answer phone calls has become an essential part of doing business. One language that has been growing significantly in the United States is Spanish. Other languages that are becoming more common in the business world are Chinese and Portuguese. Not having a bilingual person to answer … Read more

Disaster Preparedness 101

What do fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes all have in common? Nobody who became a victim of any of these disasters saw it coming or expected it to happen. But don’t worry — the majority of businesses that develop sound disaster preparedness plans come out of the situation just fine, especially when they have … Read more

3 Tips to a Safe, Secure Workplace

Recently, the news headlines have been dominated by tragedy. Coffee shops, factories, and ordinary workplaces have been instantly and irreversibly catapulted into chaos and mayhem. Have you considered beefing up security to keep your workers safe? Here are three tips for providing better security against the unknown and unknowable, including how quality answering services can … Read more

3 Ways to Avoid Business Failure in 2015

What does it take to succeed in today’s business climate? More people are starting their own businesses than ever before, but common mistakes and a lack of understanding of the current business climate lead too many startups to failure. Here are the best mistakes to avoid to keep your business or startup afloat in 2015. … Read more

3 Things Business Owners Need to Know About Disaster Recovery

Fires, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, even terrorist attacks are real threats to business operations everywhere. Do you have a solid plan in place to recover your business if a disaster does occur? Disaster recovery isn’t just a matter of repairing structural damage. It also involves restoring data, caring for your employees, and keeping up customer relations … Read more

3 Ways to Address a Data Security Breach at Your Business

K-Mart. Target. Home Depot. The list of businesses that have been involved in a data breach is mounting and, according to online security experts, the problem is only expected to escalate. How can you protect your business, and what should you do if a data breach does occur? Don’t deny it. Be up front and arm … Read more