Custom Greetings
Professionally Recorded Custom Greetings

Features We Provide
A great way to save you on call center cost is to utilize our customized automated upfront greeting. An automated upfront greeting is a pre-recorded message to help screen calls. Depending on the time and day, you choose what the greeting will say or if a greeting will play at all.
You provide the verbiage and we’ll record the outgoing message. Our custom greeting option allows press options that will connect the caller to a voicemail box, live operator or an informational announcement box.
The use of an automated custom greeting is recommended for industries that rely on our live call center to handle only emergency calls after business hours or 24/7. It’s a great way to redirect non-emergency calls, but still have your emergency calls handled by one of our professional telephone answering service representatives.
Sample after hours greeting, “Thank you for calling ___________. Our office hours are ___ to ___. For non-emergencies or general office inquiries, please call back during our normal business hours. If you have an emergency or need immediate assistance, please press -1- now. Thank you.”
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The People You Need On Call 24/7.
Our friendly staff will be happy to talk to you and learn about your business needs.