4 Industries That Benefit from 24 Hour Answering Services

man talking on the phone with 24 Hour Answering Services

Just as not all answering services are created equal – neither are all industries when it comes to their need for round-the-clock coverage! If you work in an industry that has high call volumes, important or time-sensitive calls, then you need 24 hour answering services! Luckily, Always Answer has experience working in a wide range … Read more

Industries That Need Live Answering Services

woman on the phone with medical Live Answering Services

Always Answer offers a wide range of live answering services such as alarm monitoring, emergency dispatch, 24/7 live agent, receptionist, and web on-call scheduling. And we offer so many diverse services because we work with so many diverse industries, each with their own needs and goals. We provide live answering services to the healthcare industry, … Read more

Are You in Technology, Healthcare or Property Management? You Need a Virtual Receptionist!

Man in technology industry on the phone with virtual receptionist

If you work in technology, healthcare, or property management – then you might just need a virtual receptionist. But why? What do these industries involve that makes their need for a 24/7 live agent or virtual receptionist so much greater? Let’s dive into these industries as well as the aspects of a virtual receptionist that … Read more