How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Crime

Small businesses are perfect targets for hackers attempting to gain information to commit various acts of cyber crime. Most small businesses have vulnerabilities which are easy to exploit due to the lack of employee training, unsecure network and Internet connections, and improper call handling procedures. Fortunately, there are several things you can do, such as … Read more

3 Tips for Making a Small Marketing Budget Count

Marketing: it’s something that every small business needs to do, but something that most small businesses struggle to afford. Finding effective marketing solutions that fit your small business’s advertising budget (if you even have an advertising budget) can be a difficult task. If you’re struggling to get your call center’s phones ringing, try these low-budget … Read more

4 Tips for Providing the Best Customer Service in 2015

If there’s one thing we’ve learned running a modern call center, it’s that today’s customers expect a high level of customer service from the companies they do business with. Whatever your industry, it’s important to provide your customers with the highest level of support possible. Make 2015 the year your business recommits to customer service, … Read more

How Technology Has Changed Customer Service

The core principle of customer service has remained the same over the years: Address the customers’ concerns, and be supportive and friendly. However, in today’s technology-driven society, much has changed in regards to call handling, self-service options, and customer feedback. Most call centers have automated answering systems which prompt customers for various responses to ensure … Read more

5 Important Small Business Trends of 2015

What are the small business trends of 2015 that entrepreneurs need to know about? In this post, we’ve picked five of the biggest changes and issues affecting the marketplace for small business owners. 3D Printers and Small Batch Manufacturing– 3D printing, or “additive manufacturing,” has been talked about a lot over the last few years. … Read more

The Benefits of Having Customer Testimonials on a Business Website

Today’s consumers might seem more vocal than they were in the past, when it comes to customer service and overall shopping experiences. In the past, consumers would share positive and negative experiences by word of mouth with their friends, family, and co-workers. While some still do this, nowadays more people express themselves through social media … Read more

Different Types of Answering Services

Answering services can be an invaluable tool for businesses in a wide range of industries, from healthcare to manufacturing. These “virtual receptionists” are an excellent option for businesses that don’t need or cannot afford to hire additional part or full-time staff to handle the broad range of functions a live answering service can provide. These … Read more