March 24, 2015

3 Tips for Making a Small Marketing Budget Count

Marketing: it’s something that every small business needs to do, but something that most small businesses struggle to afford. Finding effective marketing solutions that fit your small business’s advertising budget (if you even have an advertising budget) can be a difficult task. If you’re struggling to get your call center’s phones ringing, try these low-budget marketing and networking tips to build up interest in your small business:

  1. Get involved in the community – Business may largely be done over the internet these days, but that doesn’t mean that you should ignore your local community, either. One of the best ways to get your brand’s name out into the public is to be seen helping out in your local community. Even if you can’t afford to organize a fundraiser or host a community dinner, you can still organize a get-together with other local business owners. Making connections with fellow small businesses in your area can do a lot to help you gain new contacts and forge new business relationships.
  2. Do some Google research – The best way to find out what your customers are looking for is to see what they are Googling. By doing some research on Google’s Keyword Planner or other keyword research tool, you can create online content targeted to exactly what it is your customers want.
  3. Get personal – Many small businesses make the mistake of having their social media accounts be completely automated, scheduling posts and then forgetting their Facebook and Twitter accounts exist. Instead of just using social media as an advertising platform, use it as a free communication device for marketing directly to individual customers. Consumers appreciate it when small businesses try to work with them directly, and social media is a great way to do just that.

Looking for more ways to improve your small business? Give us a call today at 800-606-9898.
