July 14, 2014

Why Every Microbusiness Needs a Virtual Assistant

The Small Business Administration defines a microbusiness as one with five or fewer employees, requiring $35,000 or less to start up. Microbusinesses may be small, but account for as many as nine out of every ten businesses in the United States. Small business owners don’t have to worry about bureaucracy, but they do have to maintain a corporate image. Here’s how a virtual assistant can boost your microbusiness.

A Professional Appearance

People don’t mind doing business with small businesses, but they do want to feel like the business is solid, lucrative, and capable of taking on their tasks. A virtual assistant gives your microbusiness an air of professionalism. Call centers are set up so that those on the phone have a quiet ambient environment and the people answering the phone are trained professionals. This sounds more professional than taking client calls in the shop or home office, where it is loud and sometimes boisterous in the background.

Less Slips through the Cracks

A small office tends to be a graveyard for slips of paper, notes, and memos. Having a virtual receptionist take your calls and make thorough notes on client interactions helps keep you from losing little slips of paper that add up to big business. The notes the receptionist takes are sent to you via text or email, so you don’t have to worry about lost notes costing you customers.

More Work Gets Done

Are you so busy manning the phones that it’s hard to get any real work done? If so, a virtual receptionist can take this load off of you so you can get back to doing what you do best — the actual work.

These assistants can save the microbusiness owner many hours per week taking phone calls, scheduling appointments, handling customer service calls, and other time-consuming phone issues.