July 20, 2020

Answering Services for Small Businesses as You Reopen Post COVID-19

answering services for open small business

Many small businesses are opening again or beginning to post COVID-19 shutdowns. Whether you are opening with new hours, new procedures, or new capacity limits – your customers and clients need to know what is going on, when, and how they can reach you to have their questions answered.

There are a few ways that a Live 24-Hour Answering Service can greatly help your customers, your communication, and improve customer care during these confusing and constantly changing times.

Live Answering Services

The first and most important area that you need to pay attention to in the wake of COVID-19 is being available to your clients.

Whatever your business, industry, or services, you need to be there for your clients and customers in whatever capacity they need. However, this can seriously impact your own daily work or your employees’ ability to get their tasks done.

A live answering service that is always there in whatever capacity you need may just be the perfect answer, as 24-hour support means your employees, yourself, and your customers all have the attention they need to get answers and work done.

Here are a few of the top answering services that small businesses can benefit from.

Virtual Receptionist Answering Services

A virtual receptionist works just like it sounds – they are there to answer your phones and give your callers whatever they need.

At Always Answer, we take the time to understand your business and customers. This allows us to follow the instructions you give us and know exactly how to answer questions, pass along information, or transfer calls when necessary.

A virtual receptionist is truly an extension of your team and is one of the most powerful live answering services we provide to small business owners.

Customer Support Answering Services

One of the most important reasons most of our small business partners state as the cause of needing our live answering services or a 24-hour live receptionist is to give better customer support to their callers.

If you have three people in your store and two callers ringing in with questions or needs, then someone will be getting sub-par customer care and that isn’t acceptable. Every call that is missed or mishandled is money that never comes in, revenues lost, and potentially, customers lost.

What is the lifetime value of one of your customers? Are you willing to lose out on that simply because you don’t have enough hands on deck to answer phones while still caring for in-store patrons?

Unfortunately, in the wake of COVID-19, many small businesses are struggling to keep up with client needs due to a shortage of staff or reduced hours and capacity. Our customer support specialists are off-site, meaning we can answer the calls without adding to the number in your office or business. And we make sure you never miss a question or have long wait times, both of which are huge turn-offs to new or potential customers.

Appointment Scheduling & Confirmation Services

Perhaps your customers do not call for general questions so much as for appointments. If your business runs off of time slots and appointment scheduling, then our scheduling and conformation services are a must!

Having clients forget their appointments leaves you with a gap in revenue and your clients having to wait for weeks or even months for another appointment to open up. However, there is a simple solution – appointment confirmation services from Always Answer.

We will not only schedule appointments for your clients, saving your front desk time, we can also confirm appointments before their date, making sure your clients are reminded of their scheduled appointment. This helps you, helps your clients, and helps your entire office run much more smoothly.

Contact Always Answer Today

Between answering customer care questions, having someone on the other end of the line at all times, whether it’s the middle of the night, early in the morning, or on weekends, and scheduling and reminding your clients of their appointments,  you will have every base covered to reopen after COVID-19.

It is a confusing and hectic time for many small business owners right now, but Always Answer would love to help and streamline your answering services and client support so you can get back to running your business and making it a success!

Contact us today to learn about our fair answering service pricing, our services, or see more blogs on various topics in our industry.