January 3, 2022

The Unsung Benefits of Offering Bilingual Customer Service

Benefits of Offering Bilingual Customer Service

Keeping your customers happy is essential to maintaining and increasing sales. Customers base the quality of 70% of their buying experiences on how they feel businesses treat them, and the majority of them will decide against a purchase if customer service is poor.

If you offer customer service in just one language, you lower your chances of converting prospects that are more comfortable communicating in a different language. Below we discuss other benefits of offering bilingual customer services. 

Break Down Language Barriers

Customers don’t want to have to repeat what they say. If they have an emergency or an issue with your product or service, a language barrier will make talking to your representative a frustrating experience for them.

Bilingual customer service will make communication easier, increasing your chances of convincing prospects to make a purchase or agree to a follow-up call or meeting. 

Build Brand Loyalty

Bilingual customer service representatives make customers feel their concerns are heard and understood, increasing brand loyalty.

Loyal customers are more likely to become ambassadors for your brand and tell their friends and family about your product or service. If they talk about you on social media, it will improve the perception of your brand and increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Acquire New Customers

Bilingual customer service allows you to attract prospects who would never have been interested before. Within the United States, 13% of the population speak Spanish, making it the 2nd most used language. International clients will, of course, be more comfortable speaking in their native tongue.

By speaking their language, you’ll be able to set up new business relationships within the country and with customers in foreign countries. If your competitors don’t offer bilingual customer service, you might even convince their customers to switch to your brand.

Better Customer Retention

You’re more likely to retain customers if your customer service representatives can resolve their issues quickly and effectively. This isn’t possible with customers who aren’t fluent in English unless your representatives are bilingual. Without bilingual representatives, issues with simple answers could require repeat calls and turn customers away from your business.

Acquiring new customers can cost up to 5 times more than retaining existing customers, making existing customers very valuable. Additionally, their value increases over time as long-term customer relationships result in more frequent purchases, generating significant returns—the increase in sales from hiring bilingual customer service representatives more than makes up for the costs.

A More Diverse Company Culture

Bilingual representatives are also good for relationships and culture within your organization. These employees don’t just speak more languages, and they’re highly likely to also come from different backgrounds or have an interest in other cultures. They bring new ideas and perspectives to the company, helping you better understand customer demographics you have little experience dealing with yourself.

Communicate with Customers Better

Always Answer’s agents go through extensive training to meet high customer service standards. We’ll help you grow your business, reach more customers, and increase sales through our bilingual answering service.

Call us at 1-800-606-9898 or fill out our contact form to talk to our representative about your needs.