October 18, 2019

Looking to Hire? How Employee Screening Services Can Help Streamline Your Search

job interview after employee screening services

Have you ever run a classified ad to search for new employees or used one of the many job-finding sites? They can be both a blessing and a burden because though you get your information and job openings in front of many more applicants and therefore find more qualified individuals, you will also get a lot more that aren’t qualified if you don’t have hiring or employee screening services. And this eats up your time and your profits.

Assuming your job opening used to be filled and isn’t a newly created position, your job posting means you’re already shorthanded. All while having to find time to read applications, screen potentials, set up interviews and decision meetings before you are back to being fully staffed.

Always Answer knows that this is a lot to handle, which is why we offer employee screening services to help you streamline your search!

What Even Are ‘Employee Screening Services’?

Always Answer can help you with the initial employee screening of all new applicants.

This means we use our dynamic scripting software to design a call flow that helps you only capture the applicants you really want, the ones who are qualified and serious.

If an applicant (caller) meets your qualifications, we will deliver you the details for further follow-up or connect the caller to you live. And if they do not meet your specifications and your business’ needs, we will end the call with no further follow up required by you.

What Are the Benefits of Using Employee Screening Services for My Business?

Our Personalized, Dynamic Scripting Software Works for All Industries & Positions

If you have specific needs for the job posting or position, then it is possible that many of the applicants applying for the job just won’t be the right fit.

This wastes time, both yours and theirs, but it doesn’t have to be this way! By using Personalized Communication’s dynamic scripting software, we will design a perfect screening process that only grabs the potential you need to make your business thrive.

We will answer each call, go through the beginning portion of your discovery phase, and if the applicant meets your requirements, then we will deliver their details to you by fax or emailed spreadsheet for further follow-up. Don’t want the wait? We can even connect you with them with a live call transfer directly to you!

Our Call Services Save You Time When You Are Already Down an Employee

Of course, you could do all of the employee or position screening on your own. You could make a spreadsheet of your applicants, their qualification, their questions, contact information, when they can meet, etc., etc. You could go through every call with every applicant and pass or fail their interview process all in your own office at your own desk

But do you have the time for that? Many jobs get 90-200 applicants!

You’re clearly hiring because you’re busy, either seasonally, or because your business is growing. Maybe you lost an employee and need to replace them, regardless, you’re hiring because you need more workers, working more hours, which means you probably don’t have time to go over 200+ applications when many of them won’t meet your minimum requirements.

Instead, let Personalized Communication assist you with our employee screening process, so you can get back to running your busy, booming business.

Employee Screening Services Let You Make Better Hiring Decisions

Knowing about your applicant’s history, qualifications, and other pertinent information long before you interview them is paramount and can often lead to making a better decision in less time.

Do you have certain requirements or prerequisites that the potential employee must meet? Do they need certain licensure, background, experience, or degrees? Personalized Communication is able to make sure that every applicant that makes it to your phone or office has all the skills that you and your business need. We waste no time and get you the quality potentials you truly want – think of it as a background check before you even considering hiring!

Hiring can be a long and arduous process but rushing through it can leave you with a less-than-ideal team. The happy medium between the two options is us – Always Answer, and our employee screening services.

Employee Screening Services in Dallas & Throughout Texas with Always Answer

If employee screening services, 24/7 service, call centers, virtual receptionists or bilingual agents sound like some things that could assist your business, then don’t wait to call us at 800-606-9898 or contact us for your free seven-day trial today!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!