June 12, 2013

Build Trust with a Medical Call Center

Trust is an important element of running a medical office, and Personal Communications recognizes that as fact, and by extension recognizes that trust is also an important element of running a medical call center. For patients, trust can come in many stages: trust in care given by a doctor, trust in services provided by medical staff, and trust that their information will be kept confidential. By employing a medical call center to provide call center services such as emergency answering services, and scheduling services, trust can be increased on all levels.

By hiring an off-site call center service to pick up incoming calls, schedule appointments, and take messages during operating hours, patients can be sure to receive their doctor’s, nurse’s and medical staff’s full attention. Patients will not have to wait in line to check in while the in-house receptionist fields incoming calls. Also, by having athe staff resources of a call center answering incoming calls and scheduling appointments, patients who call your office can ask questions, choose appointment dates that will work with their schedules, and feel like they are valued, because call center employees have the time to talk with patients, instead of having to rush through a call or having divided attention. Trust in service is thereby increased.

Answering service and medical call center employees are highly trained to handle phone calls in a polite and professional manner. Doctors and patients, alike, can trust that patient information will be protected as effectively as when it is handled by medical office employees, because medical call center employees sign HIPA forms, ensuring that they understand and comply with the confidentiality of medical information.