February 17, 2018

4 Things to Do When You’re on Hold

Customer on hold with call center

Have you ever desperately needed an answer from a company, only to be stuck on hold, waiting in a long queue of other customers? As frustrating as being placed on hold can be, it’s all part of the customer experience. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to productively pass the time. Here are 4 things you can do when you’re on hold.

1. Get Prepared
One of the biggest mistakes that customers make when calling a company is not being prepared for the call. If you’re placing an order, be sure to have your payment method readily accessible. If you’re calling about a problem with an order you’ve placed, make sure you have this information available so that the customer service representative can promptly help you. Not being prepared only slows down the process, which means more time spent on the phone.

2. Do a Quick Workout
Still working on that New Year’s resolution? If you’ve got a lengthy hold, put your time to good use by getting in a quick workout. Jumping jacks, squats, and lunges can all be done quickly. Just be sure to catch your breath before talking to the receptionist!

3. Organize & Tidy Up
Know that pile of laundry you’ve been ignoring for the last few days? What about the disaster of a space you call your office? When you’re on hold, you’ll feel much better knocking out those things you’ve been procrastinating on. Once the call is over, you can feel accomplished in more ways than one.

4. Make Plans
Facing a 20 minute wait time can feel like forever. Spend the time by planning something to do today or later on in the week. This gives you something to look forward to and keeps you busy. It also gives your ears a much-needed break from that bland on-hold music.
quality customer service representative

Quality Customer Service

Placing customers on hold is inevitable, but there are many things you can do to ensure your customers have the best experience possible. Play decent music. Keep customers informed of their position in the queue.

Want to ensure you provide customers the best experience without the high cost of a full team of customer service representatives? If so, outsourcing is a quality option.

At Always Answer, we provide a variety of communication-based services, including virtual assistant, call centers, and customer surveys. With a trusted call center, you’ll have the peace of mind that your customers are well taken care of.

No matter if you’re interested in our answering service or our virtual receptionist service, we’ll work with you to meet all of your communication needs. Get started by calling us at 1-800-606-9898.