February 2, 2015

3 Tips for Running a Successful Non-Profit Organization

Non-profits don’t operate so differently from for-profit organizations when you get to the nitty-gritty of the matter. Non-profits have to generate an inflow of money, get their message out, manage their resources, and maintain a solid public image. If you approach running a non-profit like a business, your cause will see tremendous success.

1. Invest in Professional Phone Services

Who answers the phone and how is important. For most callers, the person who answers the phone is the first actual live impression they get of your organization. Even if the caller has gotten an overall good impression of your organization from ads and messages you post, a poor experience on the phone could ruin all your efforts. Invest in a high-quality professional answering service to take your calls and handle them with care and grace.

2. Be Smart about Social Media

Social media, if used properly, can be the number one generator of talk about your cause, as well as a tremendous benefit in terms of fundraising. However, use caution when turning to social media to get out your messages. For instance, people are far more likely to “Like” and “Share” positive messages than negative ones. Say your cause is animal rights. You’ll get a much better response with pictures of adorable, happy animals that have benefited from your services than from posts with pictures or stories of abused and neglected animals. Use pictures, videos, and images as much as possible, because these get more attention. Also, pay close attention to spelling and grammar: poor writing is an indication of amateurs who won’t handle donations responsibly.

3. Generate Consistent Messages

Non-profits should draft a mission statement, develop a logo and slogan, and present a clear, consistent message in all of their communications. For instance, if your tactic is to appear loveable, make sure your graphics, fonts, and articles are loveable. Or, go with the image of the knowledgeable experts, and keep all your messages consistent with that. Just be sure that the image you project always sends the same message about who you are as an organization.

If your non-profit is ready for a professional answering service, turn to Always Answer. Reach out to them today at 800-606-9898.
