April 22, 2016

What Can an Answering Service Do for Your Small Business?

For small business owners, it is easy to get caught up with the day-to-day operations and get into the habit of bringing work home. Thanks to our smartphones and other electronic devices, we are no longer tied to traditional 9 to 5 business hours. You can respond to emails, and receive and make business-related phone calls outside of your normal operating hours.


However, with these conveniences also come added stress and not being able to find any time away from work. As a result, many small business owners often find their lives become centered on work, and less on family and personal time. Fortunately, one viable and cost-effective solution is a live telephone answering service.

Telephone answering service solutions help screen your calls and emails outside of regular office hours. This allows you to enjoy more free time and reduces the stress of operating a small business. Plus, the answering service can be enabled to respond, on your behalf, and with the proper training, to phone calls and emails, further taking these responsibilities off of your daily task list, and allowing you to concentrate on more important and vital business functions.

Another hidden benefit of having a virtual assistant and answering service is providing solutions for addressing excess call volumes during peak periods when you are at work. Rather than clients, vendors, and potential customers having to leave voice mail messages, they are greeted by a live person.

Integrating an answering service into your day-to-day operations is less expensive than hiring your own receptionists to provide proper telephone coverage. Even in cases where you already have a receptionist to answer your phones, no calls have to go missed while he or she is at lunch, at meetings, on vacation, or out sick. Not to mention, you gain access to a dedicated, hardworking team of professionals who will deliver high levels of customer service and afford you the free time you deserve.


To learn more about customizable telephone answering, and virtual receptionist services and solutions for your small business, contact the experts at Always Answer by calling 1-800-606-9898 today.