November 30, 2018

Local Lens: How Can a Virtual Receptionist in Houston Streamline Your Business?

Virtual Receptionist in Houston in the Mountains

Let’s set the scene – it’s mid-December, windy and cold, there’s a line out the door, the phone is ringing off the hook and orders, requests, messages, and emails are pouring in through every possible avenue.

Your employees are stressed, and your customers are frustrated.

What are you going to do?

Hire more employees just for the holidays? Search out those kids on break from university for three weeks?

Training, time-constraints, job responsibilities, and cost might make this option close to impossible. Some businesses or services can’t simply hire a new, green worker during the busiest time of the year.

But then what can you do? How will your local business survive this holiday season?

Now, picture that same chaotic scene from above, but with the phone blissfully silent, and all your messages ordered according to relevance, office or importance.

Feel that? That’s the peace of having a virtual receptionist on your team.

The register lines start to flow like a well-oiled machine as you aren’t answering phones, so you can more time for the daily duties.

Your customers get the products, services, and answers they need in a timely manner and everyone leaves with a little more holiday cheer.

Which one sounds like your holiday season last year? Now, which one do you want for this next year?

Perks of Having Your Very Own Virtual Receptionist

24/7 Service

The greatest perk of a virtual receptionist in Houston or anywhere in Texas, for that matter, is the assurance of 24/7 service.

Your customers can call at any time, day or night, weekends or holidays, any season, and they will have a friendly, knowledgeable and live voice on the other end.

It doesn’t matter if your customer or client calls during your busiest season, off-season or a mid-grade month, our staff will be available every hour of every day.

Not an automated machine. Not a ‘press two for…’. Not simply a message-machine.

From emergency dispatch services to appointment scheduling to order entries, your business can’t afford to miss a single call. And you shouldn’t have to.

That’s the true beauty of having a live, virtual receptionist service.

Valued Customers are Happy Customers

When your customers call and get answered by a robot, they do not feel valued. When they call and don’t get answered at all, but instead are left ringing and ringing, or leaving messages, they do not feel valued.

Instead, with a virtual receptionist, your customers will feel valued and heard as they talk to a real person and get real-time answers to their questions or orders.

When your customers or clients feel valued, they are happy, and when they are happy, your business thrives!

A Houston virtual receptionist could be the difference between a missed call and a new connection, or a frustrated customer and a happy customer.

Ordered Organization

If your messages, orders or calls are disorganized, that can slow down your whole business, and a slowed business is not something your holiday rush needs.

And what should you do when the going gets tough? Organize, of course!

Always Answer loved organization and our virtual receptionists prove this! We can streamline your callers’ experiences and categorize your incoming calls to match the needs your unique Houston business requires.

Amp Up Your Productivity

Riding on the coat-tails of above, productivity follows organization, and a virtual receptionist can lead it all.

With a streamlined calling process or messaging process, your business’ productivity can soar.

And the reason is simple, with less time on the phones, you have more time to run your business and more time to interact, help and give award-winning service to your customers.

In the end, it all comes down to your customers, your service, and how you bring those two things together.

Can a Virtual Receptionist in Houston Help Your Small Business?

If the above perks sound like something your Houston business could use to get ahead of the holiday chaos, give Always Answer a call or learn more about our services here.

We’d love to give you the gift of 24/7 service, happier customers, organization and productivity this holiday season and spread that cheer!