January 1, 2014

Transportation and a Customer Service Call Center

Whether you run a shuttle to the airport, a taxi service, or drive a limo, you should be using a customer service call center. It not only ensures higher customer satisfaction, but also saves you time and money.

Customer Satisfaction

If you are run a small transportation business, your call center can act as your receptionist. That means, while you are with a client on the road, your attention is focused on providing a safe ride. The call center can answer calls, take messages, and send you notifications. The clients you are driving feel safe when your attention is on the road, and potential clients are happy to have their calls and questions answered.

Save Time and Money

While en route, you may receive a call that a customer has a delayed or cancelled flight. Instead of continuing to drive when you are not needed, your Fort Worth call center can immediately notify you. You save the time you would have spent driving, as well as any gas money.

When your customers call and you can’t answer, it isn’t going to voicemail. Not only can a call center answer your phone, but can create reservations and provide quotes based on zip codes. With fewer voicemails and customers hanging up, your business increases. Consequently, your profit margin also grows.

Your Fort Worth call center can help you establish new and return clientele for any part of the transportation industry with which you may work. A customer service call center focuses on your clients acting as a receptionist and scheduler. With less phone work, you will have more time to spend driving your new clients.