October 20, 2014

Preparing Your Small Business for the Busy Holiday Season

The holiday shopping season is almost here — the time of year when many businesses earn as much as 80 percent of their entire profits. Whether your company is product or service oriented, it’s time to get ready for an influx of new customers. From the stock room to the call center, everyone working for you needs to have a game plan. Here are some things to check off your list as you prepare for this lucrative and hectic time of year.

Get Your Workspaces Organized 

Having things organized is the key to surviving busy days. When everything is properly organized, it relieves workers of stress, allowing them to perform better. Make sure all the back filing is done, rid the office of unnecessary clutter, like boxes and unused machines, and take care that all of the needed office supplies are fully stocked and ready for action. Running out of printer ink on the busiest day of the year is bound to cut into profits.

Order Extra Inventory 

Make sure your inventory is fully stocked so that unexpected surges in sales due to the efforts of your hardworking marketing staff can be handled smoothly. This investment, now, assures that your sales don’t suffer in the peak of the season because you don’t have enough product.

Beef Up the Call Center

The call center needs to be informed of your holiday marketing plans so that they can staff adequately. Also, be sure to communicate up-to-date information on any sales and shipping guidelines. Employees of the center need to know the last date when customers can order and receive products by Christmas Day, including any differences in deadlines for international orders. Also be sure to communicate any changes in return policies.

With careful planning, your business can enjoy a profitable holiday season.