May 22, 2017

How to Personalize Your Customer Service Experiences

personalizing customer service experiences, man in a suit

What makes a business great today is not the quality of the products or services they sell but, rather, the level of customer service experience provided. Let’s face it. The overall quality of products and services has gotten to the point where it is pretty much even between competitors. As a result, businesses have to make sure when customers call their call center, their experiences are not only outstanding but offer that little bit of extra the competition is lacking.

Personalization can and does vary based on the type of business and its products or services, but it can be tailored to fit with any size business, in any industry. To help get ideas flowing on what customized experiences will work for your business, consider the following tips:

  • Talk to customers like they are your friends. We are all human, and everyone wants to be talked to in a friendly manner. When addressing customers, it is acceptable to use their first name, inquire how they day is going, talk about the weather, and other such topics.
  • Respond in a timely manner. Even if you are not yet able to resolve an issue, let your customer know this and provide regular updates. They will appreciate being “kept in the loop.”
  • Toss the phone, text, and email response scripts and always personalize your responses. Every customer will require something different, so your responses should be tailored to fit their particular needs. No one likes a “canned” response.
  • Avoid making assumptions when responding to customers. You need to strike a balance to fit with that of each customer by taking the time to get to know a little bit more about them and their level of knowledge regarding their issue.

Customer Service Experiences

  • Provide explanations that fit with the customers’ level of understanding. Helping a customer also requires explaining things differently. Help educate them what to do, using language they understand, as this will resonate much better with them.

Last, never make it seem like it is the customer’s fault—ever, even when it might be. For more tips on personalizing customer service experiences for business in any industry, contact Always Answer at 1-800-606-9898 today!