September 24, 2014

Improving Your Telemarketing Efforts for Greater Success

What does it take to improve your telemarketing efforts? Well, first it takes deviating from the past. Telemarketing is no longer about “selling” only; it is about fostering good relationships with customers and potential customers. Here is how to experience greater success with your call marketing campaigns.

Make Sure Telemarketers Understand Your Company, Product, and Customer Base 

No longer can telemarketers depend on a written script to build relationships and make sales. It is crucial to have a call center staff that understands your company, what your company is about, and the overall goals of the company, such as “being an industry thought leader” or “offering the best value for the price.” Telemarketing staff should also be able to understand the products intimately, and to explain the benefits of your products versus the competition’s. Finally, callers need to understand who your customers are, their plans and goals for using the product, and why they choose to do business with your company instead of the competitor.

Make Sure Telemarketers Can Handle Bilingual Customers 

Today’s telemarketing doesn’t happen in an all-English-speaking climate. Increasingly, the Spanish-speaking population is a major player in the economy. Hispanic customers account for a substantial portion of the customer base for many enterprises. Look for a Spanish call center so that you aren’t missing lucrative business from these important customers.

Give Your Customers Choices 

A good rule of marketing in general also applies to successful telemarketing campaigns. Offer your customers more than one selection, so that buyers aren’t faced with an all-or-nothing proposal. The best idea is to give customers a choice between a high-end option, a mid-level option, and a bottom-price option. Most buyers will go for the mid-level, but some buyers are attracted by the high-end, while others trying to be budget-conscious enjoy having a low-cost option on the table.

Most importantly, make sure your calling staff keeps a good attitude. Nothing spells doom for your brand name like a snarky telemarketer, no matter how customers respond to callers.