
May 20, 2015

How to Build an Online Marketing Strategy for Your Small Business

These days, most consumers consult the Internet before making a purchase decision.  This includes checking reviews of a local callcenter, or going online for more info about a product, so it’s important to have an established social presence. Online marketing is an affordable way to get the word out about your small business and attract new customers in your area. Here are a few tips to get started:

Enter the Social Landscape
Before you begin, make sure you have a comprehensive plan in place. Figure out what channels you need to tackle, such as Google search and Facebook, and then start creating profiles. Make sure your presence matches your customers: for example, if your target audience frequently uses Pinterest, your business should, too.

Target the Right Customer
If you’re a local company, make it easier for your customer to find you. Make sure your business is listed on popular websites and directories – Google Maps, most notably. Find out where your target customer lives online, and find a way to get there.

Build Two-Way Communication
Your online presence should be a means for customers to learn about your business, as well as a venue for feedback. Check social pages and messages frequently for customer questions or suggestions. Your online marketing plan should also include ways to educate customers about special offers, such as posting about sales or releasing exclusive coupons.

Once your online marketing plan is in place, consider a business answering service to make sure your customers get prompt support and feedback. Always Answer offers a team of custom-trained support agents to do just about anything your business needs, including immediate answers to inquiries, taking online orders, and product support. For more info, call today at 1-800-606-9898.
