
August 25, 2014

Employee Training 101: Are You Doing It Right?

Training affects every aspect of your business. It determines how managers relate to workers, how well workers produce, and how call center employees handle your customer calls. There are many ways to train employees — are you using the right form of training for the right skills?

Training on General Topics

Generalized training subjects, like leadership skills and time management strategies, are often best handled by an outside vendor. These vendors specialize in such training, and can offer a range of options to meet the needs of your company. The trainers are generally highly skilled, and the programs have been finely tuned for decades, so long as you choose a reputable training company. Training vendors can come to your place of business to accommodate a large group or several groups of employees at different times, or may offer options like off site training at their facilities, or webinars the employees can complete online.

Training Specific to the Organization or Job

Training that is specifically relevant to your organization or a particular job within your company is best handled in-house by human resources. Do some homework to determine which format best trains your employees. Some job skills are best learned at an e-learning module, or via text manuals. If the training needs to be taught by an instructor, consider whether it’s best to host classes or to develop a training video that can be shared among branches and reused as new employees are hired.

Even if the employees do not work at your facilities, be sure the vendors are offering adequate training to maintain quality services. For example, call center employees need in-depth training to handle a variety of caller issues. Make sure you are providing these vendors with up-to-date, relevant information, so outside workers can offer the highest level of customer service possible.