July 16, 2018

A List of Call Center Terminology Every Agent Should Know

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There is a set of specific key phrases and terminology every call center agent should know that is universal and used throughout the industry.

  • FCR (First Call Resolution): The goal or objective of every agent should be to attempt to resolve a customer’s issues on the first call.
  • Blended Agent: This is a person who not only answers inbound calls but also makes outbound calls.
  • Caller ID CLI (Calling Line Identity): A technology that not only displays the callers’ phone numbers but also automatically matches their previous call histories through a computer app.
  • CTI (Computer Telephone Integration): Technology which blends computer apps with telephone voice calls to initiate the start of a call and make a screen pop up with the customer’s information.
  • EWT (Expected Wait Time): The amount of time before customers can speak to a live person.
  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response): The automated telephone answering system that helps direct callers to the right agents based on their input.
  • VRU (Voice Response Unit): A technology that allows callers to either speak or input key tones when responding to questions asked by the IVR.
  • Web Self-Service: A service support options where customers can seek help through a company’s website and text messaging.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): A software app that contains data and information about customers, including previous orders, support calls, and other vital information.
  • AWT (Average Wait Time): Also know as “Average Speed of Answer” (ASA), this is the average amount of time a caller waits in queue until a live agent answers the line.
  • ACW (After Call Work): The amount of time spent by an agent to enter notes and complete any additional work for a customer after the call has already ended. This is also referred to as “wrap-up” or “post call processing” (PCP).
  • AHT (Average Handling Time): This is an average of the total amount of time that it takes to complete all related work for each phone call, including ACW.
  • ACT (Average Call Time): This is an average of the amount of time an agent spent speaking to customers and does not include ACW or any time the caller was put on hold.
  • Call Routing: The routing of phone calls to the appropriate agents to best assist customers.
  • Warm Transfer: Transferring a caller to another agent while remaining on the phone with the caller.
  • Cold Transfer: Transferring a caller to another agent without remaining on the phone with the caller.

Call Center

For access to experienced agents who already know this terminology and provide outstanding customer service to every caller, contact Always Answer at 1-800-606-9898 to learn more about our customizable call center services today!