January 7, 2015

How to Jump Start Your Fundraiser for Ultimate Success

Raising funds for special causes is challenging. You have to convince the community that it’s worth parting with their hard-earned money, and that the funds will be used efficiently and effectively to promote the cause they are investing in. There are several ways to build confidence in your contributors, including the use of professional call center services, that will help forward the cause you believe in.

Name Your Fundraiser

People read a lot into the name of a cause. It tells them what to expect out of your services toward the cause you’re promoting. Are you fun-loving? Serious? Compassionate? Angry over injustice? All of these can be effective, if they are focused properly and adequately address the true needs of the cause.

Set Up Social Media Accounts

Social media is the fundraiser’s dream come true. You can literally reach thousands of people in a short amount of time if you work it properly. With Twitter, use buffering so that you are sending out messages consistently throughout the day and week. Adding tons of tweets at once, or worse, going days without tweeting, is the sure sign of a Twitter amateur. Consider paying to boost or promote a Facebook post, which can get you hundreds of likes and shares in just a few days.

Establish a Physical Presence

In order to take you seriously, people need to be able to contact you via phone. Call center services can also be tremendously beneficial if you need to do outbound calling to get the word out about your worthy endeavors.

If you need to get your fundraiser off the ground, contact Always Answer at 800-606-9898 today for professional, affordable inbound and outbound calling services.